Emilio´s work

ART 9th Grade!
    Face Proportions

    This face proportions project was really fun and I really enjoy it. It took me many classes to finish this drawing but finnally I did it. I also had many steps to follow for finishing my face. We had to copy some notes about the proportion of each part of the face for being sure what was where. After taking those notes, our art teacher took us some pictures, she printed them and we had to cut them however we wanted. i decided to cut it in the middle but not straight so it will be a little more difficult. We pasted one part of the face on a cardboard and start drawing the missing half. I thought it was easy to star with the chin because if i had that i had the end border of my face. So i started in the chin and drew the borders of my face. When i had all the border and the hair i decide to draw the mouth because it was the most difficult part.  i had two classes drawing the mouth and i didnt felt comfortable with my results. Finally after two or three classes i had my mouth perfect and i could continue with the rest of my face. My nose was the easiest because in the picture i didnt had shadows in my nose so i literraly had to draw two lines to finish yhe nose. After that i sart with the right eye. I use a ruler to messure the size of the left eye and did draw the messurements on the right side. I finished very quickly the eye so I had all the face almost finished. The only thing i needed was the shadows, and thats were i scrud it up. I gave to many shadows to parts i didnt have to shadow them like my "mustage". But after all it was a great drawing of my self!


    The island project was a work that our teacher gave us for her to knowing us better. As all of our projects this one took us many time and process. There was a list of steps that we have to follow in order to finish and be graded. We started answering 20 personal questions about ourselves and then giving a significant drawing to each answer. in that way in our Island the drawing could represent us. Then we made our first draft of the island that was shorter and with not so many details. We spent two classes on that and then we had to take some notes of water-colors. We started the final draft with pencil and that took us like three classes. After having everything drawed in pencil we use our water-color notes and start coloring. In the ocean i used a effect that used salt for making a waves efect. For all the other drawings i used wet over wet effect. With all those little drawing i am representing my self and what i like to do. And that is why i like so much symbols because i can express what ever i want and i can make those symbols not understandable for any body else than me. All those little things that are in the island but not in the key are symbols that no body else than me could understand. When i finished the island i past it on a yellow card board for making it like a frame.

Clay Face

    in art class we learned a lot about face proportions, and we first used them on our face drawing and then in this project that was of a 3-D clay face. Our teacher gave us some tips like that we had to start with the neck and we had to finished with the hair, but i had make one of those before and i knew a better way. I started with making a ovale for the head. the i did the mouth with a tooth pick, the nose with a little bit of clay and the eyes i did a hole and then clay circles and stuck thm together. i had all the face but i didnt had the neck. I did the neck with a bunch of clay and pasted it with the face. At first i thought to do it bold but then my forehead proportions wouldnt be right so i took more clay and mold it like hair. With a tooth pick i  did the lines for it to look more as hair and i was partially finished. I started painting it with water colors and it was nice but i didnt like to be everything of the same color so i decided to color my face a beard. i painted the beard and the hair the same color and it looked very nice. I colored the eyes blue cause i have them blue and that kind of represent my self. Every class we had to put the head on a plastic bag for the clay not to dry. That was one of my problems because one time after a class i clase the bag but not enough so air got inside the bag and dry a little bit the clay, so in the next class i had to put it water but the clay wasent the same and i could do my best because of that little problem that i had.